PEDS – Pedestrian Environment Data Scan

PEDSKelly J. Clifton, PhD and Andrea D. Livi Smith, PhD

The PEDS instrument was developed to measure environmental features that relate to walking in varied environments in the US. The audit instrument was designed to specifically address pedestrian concerns as well as minimize cost and implementation time. An electronic (palmOS) version of the audit is available, as are extensive training materials.

The audit development and testing were made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Active Living Research Program.


PEDS instrument v.2. (pdf, 73k)

PEDS mini en espanol (pdf, 13k)

Implemention Protocols

PEDS Audit Protocol v.2 (pdf, 276k)

Training Materials

BEAT Institute (externally developed free online training program)

Audit Training v.3. (pdf, 21Mb)

Instructor Notes (pdf, 117k)


Clifton, K.J., Livi Smith, A., & Rodriguez, D. (2007). The Development and Testing of an Audit for the Pedestrian Environment. Landscape and Urban Planning, 80(1-2), 95-110.



Clifton, Kelly J. 2006. 2006. Pedestrian Environmental Data Scan (PEDS). Active Living Research sponsored Session, Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, Atlanta, GA, May 4-7, 2006.



Research Design Connections: Will Pedestrians Enjoy This Space? “Practice,” Landscape Architecture, 10/07, pp. 116, 118.